
Salvador Battery Energy Storage System

  • Location Chile
  • Energy Battery Energy Storage
  • Client Merchant
  • Status In operation
  • Commissioned 2023
  • Gross installed capacity 50
  • Participation Innergex (%) 100
Innergex acquired the Salvador solar energy facility in 2020. A 68 MW solar photovoltaic facility commissioned in 2014, Salvador is located in Northern Chile, in the Atacama Desert, a location with one of the highest levels of solar irradiation in the world. Its average annual production of 182.2 GWh is enough to power more than 70,000 Chilean households with clean energy. In May 2022, Innergex announced the addition of a Battery Energy Storage System with a 50 MW/250 MWh (5 hours) capacity to the Salvador site. Collocating battery energy storage at an existing solar photovoltaic facility enables peak shifting by storing excess solar energy during the day and dispatching it at night.