
Northwest Stave River

  • Ubicación Canadá
  • Energía Hidroelectricidad
  • Cliente BC Hydro
  • Estado In operation
  • Puesta en servicio 2013
  • Adquisición 2011
  • Vencimiento de PPA 2053
  • Potencia bruta instalada 17.5
  • Participación Innergex (%) 100
Northwest Stave River is a 17.5 MW run-of-river hydroelectric facility located on Crown land, approximately 50 km north of Mission, British Columbia. Northwest Stave’s average annual production is 63,300 MWh. All of the electricity it produces is covered by a 40-year fixed-price power purchase agreement with BC Hydro, which was obtained under that province’s 2008 Clean Power Call Request for Proposals and which provides for an annual adjustment to the selling price based on a portion of the Consumer Price Index. The Northwest Stave River project has been granted the ECOLOGO® certification.